Called to Spread the Gospel


Pastor David Johnston

4/23/20231 min read

We are called to spread the gospel. In other words, preaching, teaching, testifying and doing anything else possible to share the message of Jesus Christ. Too often we get discouraged when we don't immediately bear fruit.

Yet, when we look at the parable of the farmer, we see that Jesus declares something very interesting. Some seed will fall on stony or thorny ground and be swallowed up. But other seed will fall on good soil, and in time they will sprout up. If we plant, then He will bring the increase, and a harvest of souls will be brought into the Church to the glory of Jesus.

It is the harvest that will make all the work of planting worth it, when we see the change made by God in the hearts of those that He brings in as a result of our faithful planting.

Matthew 9:37: Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;

Colossians 2:9: For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.