Come Home


Pastor David Johnston

5/5/20241 min read

Of the parables of Jesus, one of the most remembered is the parable of the prodigal son. The focus, more often than not, is on the son that strayed and then returned to the father's house.

However, we must remember the other son. Often overlooked is the son that remained faithful. This son labored the fields, did the will of the father while the other son spent his inheritance with riotous living. There is much that can be said about the faithful son. He deserves a lot of recognition.

However, we cannot overlook the response of the faithful son to the return of the prodigal. We must be careful to not join with the faithful brother's resentment of the son that strayed. Rather than joining the celebration of the prodigal, the faithful son chose to be offended at the joy of the father.

There may be a celebration and joy as the prodigal returns, but when the party is over, he will still have to contend with regret, scars, baggage and condemnation. He will always wonder if he is truly welcome at the Father's house.

The world should never be more welcoming than the church.

Prodigal, know this... you are ALWAYS welcome here.

Welcome Home!