Pentecost Sunday


Pastor David Johnston

5/19/20241 min read

It is truly humbling that the Lord, the Almighty God chooses to abide in us by filling us with the Holy Spirit. It is the Will of God that everyone receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said in John 7:39, "that Jesus spoke of the Spirit and that he that believeth on Him should receive."

Some believers ask, "How can I get more of God?" The scripture says that when we receive the Holy Ghost we are "filled with the Spirit." If we are filled, how can we receive more? While I understand what they are saying, we do need to be revived and refilled.

However, I think what we should really be asking is, "How can the Lord have more of me?"

It's only when we empty ourselves of distractions, pride, self-will and anything else that hinders God moving in our lives that we truly become filled!

Let's empty ourselves of our selfish ambitions and desires today and allow ourselves to become broken before the Lord. We need to be truly filled with God's power if we're going to impact the world for Him! There's SO much work to be done!

2 Timothy 2:21: "If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work."