The Blessing of Family


Pastor Johnston

2/26/20231 min read

Below is a prayer that was prayed by a parent that has figured out that there are no perfect families.

Lord, thank you for the blessing of family. Thank you for the companionship of marriage and the blessing of raising children. It brings me some of my greatest joy and some of my greatest frustrations. However, as hard as I try, sometimes, I feel like I'm swimming against the stream. I would like to think that I have it all figured out, but I don't. So, God, please help me.

Help me to unlearn the habits and patterns that are not in line with Your Word and with Your Will. Lord, teach me. Teach that all of this is a gift that takes time and patience. Teach me, that your way is better than my way. Teach me, to love as You love.

God, the family is so important to You. With assurance, we commit our family to You.

In Jesus' Name.


2 Timothy 3:16: All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.