Train Up a Child


Pastor David Johnston

1/28/20251 min read

Throughout scripture, we find men and women of God that had a great desire to do something for the Lord. David was one of those people. David's love for God was notice by God when in Scripture he described David as a man after God's own heart. One of David's longings was to build God a house. However, the Lord would not allow David to do so.

However, David's desire was passed to his son, Solomon. One of David's greatest achievements was to pass this to his son. It is also one of our greatest achievements when we pass a love for this Apostolic truth, a love for the Kingdom, and the work of God onto our children.

Some have declared that this generation is facing a crisis of faith, questioning the Bible, and the necessity of the church.

You must take intentional steps to ensure that your children love the things of God that will cover when the trials pressure them. Make sure your children are in church as much as possible. There is NEVER too much church!

Teach them in your home to love the scriptures by memorizing them. Never criticize the church or the pastor in front of your children, it only teaches them to question spiritual authority.